You think 26 is old right? I mean when I was in high school and I thought of 26 I would obviously say, “OMG that’s almost 30…ewwww!!” Well it’s not once you get there, you don’t feel much different than you did in high school. The exception is that you finally start accepting yourself as an individual, gaining some confidence outside of your circle of friends. You start caring less about being popular, putting way less effort into being part of the in-crowd and let’s be honest about attaining the status of the sheik clique, its exhausting whether you’re rockin’ it like Regina George or a victim of it like the majority of the world. Holding on to your popularity or striving for it, it’s all work, everyday it’s all that consumes you. High school: it’s a bitch or it’s the glory days, for me it was both.
I feel it’s my duty to warn all of you that growing up happens so fast, seriously, I mean SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY fast! I feel like one day I was the point guard of the basketball team and the next I was worried about bills and such a bigger picture of reality. Not that high school isn’t reality, it is at the time a reality for you, and it was for me too. It WAS the end of the world when my BFF and I got into a spat, I DID think we would never talk again and that BOY was so not worth our friendship. But whatever she was a super huge bitch for telling him that I wrote Mrs. Baxter on my binder when all I was doing was practicing my new signature for when we got married! However the next week you’re friends again and it’s onto the next overdone emotion. Granted, hormones fuck you up, I was a raging bitch and now I’m so chillaxed, it’s crazy to think I threw a remote control at my mom because she wasn’t going to let me watch
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